by Martin Seebacher (comments: 0)

The LARIMA final conference took place from 19th to 21st of July 2019 at Hadmes Hotel in Addis Ababa.

Scientists, experts and government officials from Africa, Asia and Europe came together for a fruitful meeting. The overarching topic of the conference was biodiversity and assessment systems of ecological integrity of aquatic ecosystems. Various outcomes of the four-year project were presented, and different concepts of bioassessment and biomonitoring approaches and recent biodiversity research were discussed.

Another focus of the conference was developing new project ideas with north-south and south-south connections. Within a workshop, Africa-specific environmental and socioeconomic problems were intensively discussed and the outlines of a future project were defined. Within an integrative framework of various disciplines a transnational model-catchment was identified with the aim to assess anthropogenic stressors comprehensively and to mitigate their effects effectively. A discussion regarding funding opportunities ended the conference.

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